With regard to your enquiry, you are able to request for Credit Card Fee Waiver via Maybank Phone Banking Services.
All you have to do is to send your waiver request at least three (3) business days before your statement due date.
Simply call our 24-hour hotline number at 1800-MAYBANK (1800-629 2265) or (65) 6533 5229 (Overseas) and follow the automated instructions as illustrated below:
Step 1 : Select option 1 for Fee Waiver, Credit Card and Creditable Application Status.
Step 2 : Select option 1 for Fee Waiver Requests.
Step 3 : Select option 1 for Credit Card Fee Waiver.
Upon providing the required information via our automated phone system, the status of your Credit Card Fee waiver will be sent via SMS to your mobile phone within 7 business days.
Please note that the request is subject to the Bank's approval.