Vehicle Financing - Request for a return call
Mobile No.
Enquiry Type
Electric/Hybrid (Personal)
Electric/Hybrid (Business)
I agree I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the Terms and Conditions stated below:
By submitting this form I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal data for the purposes of processing the enquiry/feedback contained in this form and resolving any issues relating thereto, as well as for the purposes set out in
Maybank Singapore's Data Protection Policy
which I have read and understood.
I further consent to Maybank contacting me via my telephone number provided in this form / on record with Maybank to follow-up on the enquiry/feedback. I agree that such telephone conversations may be recorded for the purposes of processing my enquiry/feedback and for quality coaching and record-keeping purposes.
Maybank Singapore Limited UEN 201804195C